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La prova consiste nel lanciare su un bersaglio di 50 centimetri di diametro il coltello più velocemente possibile dalla distanza minima di tre metri.

Questa competizione prevede due fasi:

- QUALIFICAZIONE. Il lanciatore avrà a disposizione tre lanci. Il dispositivo elettronico darà il segnale di via (semaforo verde) e registrerà il tempo dal momento del via al momento dell'infissione. Il giudice registrerà il migliore dei tre tempi ottenuti.

- FINALE. I 16 lanciatori risultati più veloci si affronteranno mediante scontri diretti ad eliminazione e al termine verranno disputate le finali per il 3° e 4° posto e per il 1° e 2° posto. Solamente i primi tre verranno premiati. Anche gli esiti degli scontri diretti verranno determinati dal dispositivo elettronico.

Questa competizione prevede un'unica classifica.

Gli strumenti consentiti

Il lanciatore avrà a disposizione 1 coltello che deve rispettare le caratteristiche dettate dal regolamento UKAT.

Modalità di lancio

UN SOLO LANCIO DI PROVA è consentito prima della prova di qualificazione.

Il lanciatore dovrà posizionarsi dietro la linea dei tre metri tenendo obbligatoriamente il coltello in fondina. Il lanciatore potrà effettuare qualsiasi tipo di lancio e potrà assumere la posizione che preferisce prima del via. Egli dovrà attendere il segnale del via tenendo la mano che lancia posizionata sul petto con il pollice che tocca la gola. Quando il giudice darà il via si accenderà la luce rossa e dopo un intervallo di tempo randomizzato si accenderà la luce verde e i concorrenti potranno lanciare. Chi lancia prima del verde perde lo scontro indipendentemente dal risultato ottenuto dal suo avversario.


Chi pianta il coltello all'interno della zona punti per primo otterrà un punto, indipendentemente dal punteggio ottenuto.

Vincerà lo scontro diretto il lanciatore che per primo otterrà due punti. 

Se entrambi i lanciatori non infiggono il coltello o lo infiggono al di fuori della zona punti la prova verrà ripetuta.



The Goal

The test consists in throwing the knife at a target of 50 centimeters in diameter as quickly as possible from a minimum distance of three meters.

This competition has two phases:

- QUALIFICATION. The thrower will have three throw available. The electronic device will give the go signal (green light) and will record the time from the moment of the start to the moment of insertion. The judge will record the best of the three times obtained.

- THE FINAL. The 16 fastest throwers will face each other through direct elimination matches and at the end the finals for the 3rd and 4th place and for the 1st and 2nd place will be played. Only the first three will be awarded. The results of the direct confrontations will also be determined by the electronic device.

This competition has a single ranking.

Permitted tools

The thrower will have 1 knife at his disposal which must comply with the characteristics dictated by the UKAT regulation.

Throwing rules

ONLY ONE TEST THROW is allowed before the qualifying round.

The thrower must position himself behind the three-meter line, keeping the knife mandatory in the holster. The thrower can make any type of throw and can take the position he prefers before the start. He will have to wait for the start signal by holding the throwing hand placed on his chest with the thumb touching his throat. When the judge starts the red light will turn on and after a randomized time interval the green light will turn on and the competitors will be able to throw. Whoever throws before the green loses the fight regardless of the result obtained by his opponent.



Whoever sticks the knife inside the scoring zone first will get a point, regardless of the score obtained. The first thrower who scores two points will win the head-to-head match.

If both throwers do not stick the knife or stick it outside the scoring area, the test will be repeated.








The test consists of throwing 15 knives around a fantasy silhouette at 15 targets with a diameter of 10 cm.



















This competition has a single ranking.



Permitted tools

Throwers may use allowed knives for walk back.


Launch mode

The thrower faces the target at a distance of at least 3 meters carrying at least 3 knives.

Three test runs are allowed to be made on any target. When he is ready to start the test he will warn the referee. The first target to hit is the one at the bottom left, then proceeding obligatorily by hitting the targets clockwise.

Knives that are planted in a target that is not the correct one in the clockwise direction are worth 0 points. The thrower will throw five sets of three knives each. If a knife gets stuck in such a way as to hinder subsequent throws it cannot be removed.



5 points are awarded for each drive into the correct target; 0 points for each knife off target, in the wrong target or not fixed; -10 points if the knife gets stuck on the perimeter line of the figure or inside the figure itself.

The maximum score is 75.


The final

The five best pitchers have access to the final which will take place in the same way as seen above. The ranking of the five finalists will be obtained from their total score (plus final qualification score). In the event of a tie, additional throws will be made to access the final or during the final itself. The additional test will consist of two sets of three knives each, with the same rules as above (i.e. throwing at the first six targets). This test will be repeated as many times as necessary to roll off the pitchers. There is no play-off for pitchers who do not enter the final. The scores obtained in the play-offs will not be added to the total. For the finalists, therefore, the maximum score is 150.


The test consists of throwing 15 knives around a fantasy silhouette at 15 targets with a diameter of 10 cm.



















This competition has a single ranking.



Permitted tools

Throwers may use allowed knives for walk back.


Launch mode

The thrower faces the target at a distance of at least 3 meters carrying at least 3 knives.

Three test runs are allowed to be made on any target. When he is ready to start the test he will warn the referee. The first target to hit is the one at the bottom left, then proceeding obligatorily by hitting the targets clockwise.

Knives that are planted in a target that is not the correct one in the clockwise direction are worth 0 points. The thrower will throw five sets of three knives each. If a knife gets stuck in such a way as to hinder subsequent throws it cannot be removed.



5 points are awarded for each drive into the correct target; 0 points for each knife off target, in the wrong target or not fixed; -10 points if the knife gets stuck on the perimeter line of the figure or inside the figure itself.

The maximum score is 75.


The final

The five best pitchers have access to the final which will take place in the same way as seen above. The ranking of the five finalists will be obtained from their total score (plus final qualification score). In the event of a tie, additional throws will be made to access the final or during the final itself. The additional test will consist of two sets of three knives each, with the same rules as above (i.e. throwing at the first six targets). This test will be repeated as many times as necessary to roll off the pitchers. There is no play-off for pitchers who do not enter the final. The scores obtained in the play-offs will not be added to the total. For the finalists, therefore, the maximum score is 150.

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