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La prova consiste nel lanciare su diversi bersagli che si trovano a distanze sconosciute, ma comunque comprese tra 3 e 7 metri, tenendo obbligatoriamente i piedi all'interno di una circonferenza collocata sul terreno. I percorsi saranno due, uno da eseguire con il coltello e l'altro con l'ascia. Le distanze saranno decise dal giudice di gara (Maurizio Davani) il quale sarà l'unico a posizionare i bersagli e quindi a conoscerle.

Il campo gara sarà delimitato e con un unico accesso e nessuno può vederlo fino al momento in cui eseguirà la sua prova. Appena terminata la prova ogni lanciatore deve uscire dal campo gara lasciando la sua scheda all'ingresso e non potrà più riaccedere fino al termine della manifestazione.

Questa competizione prevede un'unica classifica.

Gli strumenti consentiti

Il lanciatore avrà a disposizione 3 coltelli e 3 asce che devono rispettare le caratteristiche dettate dal regolamento UKAT.



I bersagli saranno di colore naturale con disegnato solamente il bull-eye che avrà un diametro di 10 cm. La superficie del bersaglio potrà essere orizzontale, verticale o inclinata. Solamente la faccia del bersaglio assegna punti.

Modalità di lancio


Tutti i tipi di lancio sono consentiti (spin, no-spin, half spin). Il lanciatore può decidere se rimuovere o no gli attrezzi piantati nel bersaglio prima di effettuare il lancio successivo.


Ovviamente il primo dei tre lanci è il più difficile quindi se vincente assegnerà un punteggio più alto dei lanci successivi.

Il punteggio vien calcolato nel seguente modo:

1° lancio: 5 punti se nel bull-eye, 3 punti se nel bersaglio

2° lancio: 4 punti se nel bull-eye, 2 punti se nel bersaglio

3° lancio: 3 punti se nel bull-eye, 1 punti se nel bersaglio

In caso di parità per il podio verranno ripetute le prove (con le stesse modalità della prima) fino alla risoluzione dello spareggio. I pareggi dei lanciatori non sul podio non verranno risolti.


I concorrenti dovranno cercare un altro lanciatore con cui gareggiare e si arbitreranno l'un l'altro. Il compagno scelto non può essere dello stesso club.

The Goal

The test consists in throwing on different targets that are at unknown distances, but in any case between 3 and 7 meters, keeping the feet within a circumference placed on the ground. There will be two paths, one to be performed with the knife and the other with the ax. The distances will be decided by the referee (Maurizio Davani) who will be the only one to position the targets and therefore to know the distances.

The competition field will be delimited and with a single access and no one can see it until the moment in which it will perform its test. As soon as the test is over, each thrower must leave the competition area leaving his card at the entrance and will not be able to enter again until the end of the event.

This competition has a single ranking.

Permitted tools

The thrower will have 3 knives and 3 axes at his disposal which must comply with the characteristics dictated by the UKAT regulation.


The targets will be of natural color with only the bull-eye drawn, which will have a diameter of 10 cm. The target surface can be horizontal, vertical or inclined. Only the target surface awards points.

Throwing rules


All types of throwing are allowed (spin, no-spin, half spin). The thrower can decide whether or not to remove the tool planted in the target before making the next throw.



Obviously the first of the three throws is the most difficult so if successful it will assign a higher score for the following throws.

The score is calculated as follows:

1st throw: 5 points if in the bull-eye, 3 points if in the target

2nd throw: 4 points if in the bull-eye, 2 points if in the target

3rd throw: 3 points if in the bull-eye, 1 point if in the target


In the event of a tie for the podium, the tests will be repeated (in the same way as the first) until the tie-breaker is resolved. Ties by pitchers not on the podium will not be resolved.



Competitors will have to look for another pitcher to compete with and will referee each other. The partner chosen cannot be from the same club.








The test consists of throwing 15 knives around a fantasy silhouette at 15 targets with a diameter of 10 cm.



















This competition has a single ranking.



Permitted tools

Throwers may use allowed knives for walk back.


Launch mode

The thrower faces the target at a distance of at least 3 meters carrying at least 3 knives.

Three test runs are allowed to be made on any target. When he is ready to start the test he will warn the referee. The first target to hit is the one at the bottom left, then proceeding obligatorily by hitting the targets clockwise.

Knives that are planted in a target that is not the correct one in the clockwise direction are worth 0 points. The thrower will throw five sets of three knives each. If a knife gets stuck in such a way as to hinder subsequent throws it cannot be removed.



5 points are awarded for each drive into the correct target; 0 points for each knife off target, in the wrong target or not fixed; -10 points if the knife gets stuck on the perimeter line of the figure or inside the figure itself.

The maximum score is 75.


The final

The five best pitchers have access to the final which will take place in the same way as seen above. The ranking of the five finalists will be obtained from their total score (plus final qualification score). In the event of a tie, additional throws will be made to access the final or during the final itself. The additional test will consist of two sets of three knives each, with the same rules as above (i.e. throwing at the first six targets). This test will be repeated as many times as necessary to roll off the pitchers. There is no play-off for pitchers who do not enter the final. The scores obtained in the play-offs will not be added to the total. For the finalists, therefore, the maximum score is 150.


The test consists of throwing 15 knives around a fantasy silhouette at 15 targets with a diameter of 10 cm.



















This competition has a single ranking.



Permitted tools

Throwers may use allowed knives for walk back.


Launch mode

The thrower faces the target at a distance of at least 3 meters carrying at least 3 knives.

Three test runs are allowed to be made on any target. When he is ready to start the test he will warn the referee. The first target to hit is the one at the bottom left, then proceeding obligatorily by hitting the targets clockwise.

Knives that are planted in a target that is not the correct one in the clockwise direction are worth 0 points. The thrower will throw five sets of three knives each. If a knife gets stuck in such a way as to hinder subsequent throws it cannot be removed.



5 points are awarded for each drive into the correct target; 0 points for each knife off target, in the wrong target or not fixed; -10 points if the knife gets stuck on the perimeter line of the figure or inside the figure itself.

The maximum score is 75.


The final

The five best pitchers have access to the final which will take place in the same way as seen above. The ranking of the five finalists will be obtained from their total score (plus final qualification score). In the event of a tie, additional throws will be made to access the final or during the final itself. The additional test will consist of two sets of three knives each, with the same rules as above (i.e. throwing at the first six targets). This test will be repeated as many times as necessary to roll off the pitchers. There is no play-off for pitchers who do not enter the final. The scores obtained in the play-offs will not be added to the total. For the finalists, therefore, the maximum score is 150.

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